Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Scouting August 6th 1921 - A note book from Vic

A sweet notebook from Scout's Summer Camp 1921 in Danbury written by Vic.

A note from Angela:


It seemed odd looking through my Uncle Vic's little notebook. Seemed odd that my dad and his brothers went camping at Danbury  with the 1st Hockley Scouts 50 odd years before I went camping there with 1st Hockley Girl Guides.

Some of it sticks in my mind.  It rained a lot and we were flooded, I woke up and my hand touched water, a stream of water running though the tent.  My friend Jane was sleeping on a camp bed next to me (she’d had a rheumatic fever or some such so wasn’t to sleep on the ground.) We spent the rest of the night inside somewhere.   

I forget all the Guide terms but anyway Jane was a higher grade, maybe Patrol Leader or she was doing the badge for that.  I was doing my Campers badge (I failed).  It all went wrong, especially the cooking.  It’s probably the reason that I’m not keen on blackberries, I remember sitting down to eat some with a spoon and there were maggots crawling up the side of the bowls.

Sadly there are no photos....or maybe that’s good.

(Click image for large version)

Angela's Dad, 2nd left . . . Uncle Vic, far right

Angela, front row, 2nd left


  1. I think that's Uncle Vic at the back,Uncle Jack in the middle, my dad George behind that nice girl that they were all sweet on. I did know her name once but it's forgotten

  2. Now Angela... Ken once told me that he could never get you to go camping, yet here's evidence that camping is in your blood. Come on now, make Ken's dream come turn and watch him burn his sausage in the woods.

    Hope you guys are well


    1. They were probably better off at camp than they were at home!!!!
      ...love to you both x

  3. Ha ha Sean, It'll never happen :) We're doing well thanks, hope all is well with you both!

  4. Diane & I came very very late to camping, Diane is now absolutely nuts about it!. I often catch her looking wistfully out of the house on a sunny day before slumping down on the sofa, with a sigh.

    Ange... Ya got PTSD

    A night in a tent, with a shaman, will put you in touch with your spirit girl-guide

    Ken...Got ya bong out
